28 tháng 6, 2010

Titanic - All Abroard! (Chap 2)

10.4.1912~~~ 12AM
At last, the Titanic is ready to set sail from England, teeming with more than 1000 passengers. Among them are dozens of children.

Crowds on the dock are waving flags and handkerchiefs Some are cheering, while others are shouting, "Good luck, Titanic!". Passengers are waving good-bye to friends and family.

Danger Ahead!


After 3 days at sea, the trip has seemed like a holiday for most of the  passengers. But soon, the Titanic'll be entering an area of the north Atlantic  Ocean where icebergs float.

14.4.1912~~~ 11:40PM

All day the Titanic has received icebergs warnings in Morse code over the wireless. Now, at the ship speeds through the night, 2 lookouts watch for icebergs from the cow's nest.

All is quiet on this freezing-cold night and the ocean is incredibly calm.

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